Seeing BTS in Singapore


I'm honestly not proud of this video because there's really nothing that can capture the total sheer surreal joy I felt at this concert.

My friends and I were super lucky to get BTS tickets back in October (we went to a PC bang and used like 5 computers--only one actually got to the ticket window). Their Singapore date lined up just when we'd have our winter vacation AND we were lucky enough to get seats in the standing zone.

The actual day was hellish though.

I left Seoul Friday night, but my friend, Cleo, forgot her passport and had to reschedule her flight. I arrived in Kuala Lumpur at like 4am, and then had three hours of pure stress trying to go through immigration and check BACK into the airport to get to my next flight. It was like the universe was testing us before we could get to the concert, but I hoped that once we got to Singapore we could pretty much waltz right in.

And we did, kind of. I went to go eat and shower, then headed to the venue at 2:30 even though the concert started at 7, they wanted standing seats to check in super early. I met up with my other friend, Somee, and we waited until 5. I started suffering from heat stroke, since the abrupt switch between well below freezing in Korea and the 80 or so degree Fahrenheit weather of Singapore was killing me. I'd also not gotten any sleep, and eating so much food only made me sick.

But despite ALL OF THAT, we got amazing seats right in front of the second stage. The energy was insane, even before the concert started. I was actually surprisingly really nervous? Something something don't meet your idols (although this wasn't "meeting" them but you get what I mean).

The show was incredible. I was extremely impressed with how well they managed to keep their vocals while dancing ridiculous choreography. The lighting and effects were above and beyond. I shredded my voice singing and screaming. And when they came close, I was actually shaking. They looked amazing, especially J-Hope and Suga, who both just oozed charisma and stage presence.

I didn't take great videos. I'd made the conscious choice to put away the phone and just be in the moment...which actually wasn't a great idea. Apparently, it's a common thing to forget BTS concerts afterwards. Something about all the excitement and energy overloads your brain, I guess. I struggle to remember the concert, really, unless I'm watching my videos or looking at my pictures. So some of the clips are from my friends, who graciously sent me their own videos.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy. We were so lucky and it still feels utterly surreal.