about me

I’m Ariel, a twenty-something living in New York City. From three years, I taught English in Daejeon, South Korea, and then I lived in Madrid, Spain for two years.

Like all those who majored in something English-y, I love to write. I made this blog for my reflections and photography. Honestly, it’s mostly for myself. Sometimes I explore topics like linguistic imperialism, art or grief. But I also have guides on applying to the Auxiliars de Conversación program and the English Program in Korea, traveling and living abroad. When I was about to move abroad, I read tons of blogs in preparation. This blog is my way of passing what I learn forward.

Where did I go? This blog has been put on the back-burner. Moving to Spain took a lot of wind out of my sails. I had no intentions of quitting, but I unexpectedly needed time to adjust and process my big move. These days, I’m less interested in displaying my personal thoughts or happenings. And travel content for Europe and New York is…let’s say, a more saturated (English) market than Daejeon, South Korea. Does the internet really need another guide to London or Brooklyn? Still, I do have thoughts and photos I want to share, so I hope to be back soon. For now: I hope you’ve been well and that my old guides can still be of use.

More about me: I’m a copywriter at a FinTech. I also like drawing and painting (@brave.aioli). Other loves: poetry, RPG video games, craft beer and kickboxing.

I hope you find something here in my little corner of the internet that you like!


Where do you live? What do you do?

I’m a copywriter for a FinTech living in New York City. I came back to the US in September 2023—before that, I was an elementary school English teacher in Madrid, Spain through NALCAP (Auxiliars de Conversación program) from 2021-2023. And before that, I lived in Daejeon, South Korea teaching English through EPIK, the English Program in Korea, from 2018-2021.

Where are you from?

Texas, USA. Well, technically Oklahoma. I don’t have much of an accent either way.

So this is a travel blog. Where have you gone?

I grew up in the US and didn’t leave the country until I was 18. But in the past five years, I’ve been to 22 countries in Asia and Europe, and North America.

The full list is: Italy, South Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Spain, Morocco, the UK, Portugal, Germany, France, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Greece, and Mexico.

What camera(s) do you use?

For DSLR, I used my dad’s old Canon Rebel Xti. It’s currently a bit broken—part of why I’ve slowed down on this blog.

For film, I have a beloved point-and-shoot Accura Zoom 80. Some photos are from a Chinon CS 35mm (quite heavy so I don’t use it for travel) and a Kodak M35 (rip). Most of my film is shot on Fujifilm 200 but occasionally Portra 400.

Can I buy prints of your art or photography?

You can buy prints at ariography.darkroom.tech. All proceeds go to RAICES and Project ALS.

Can I repost your article if I credit you? Can I use your photos for x? Can I feature your blog on my website?

Sure! Please contact me first and tell me which article/photo of mine and what platform of yours. You must credit me and/or link to my blog.