A Sandy Summer Night at Daecheon Beach

photo by @megretto of @absgarcia

photo by @megretto of @absgarcia


Daecheon Beach 대천해수욕장 is a favorite little tourist spot for those hot, muggy summer days. It’s located in Boryong, a coastal city on the west side of Korea, meeting the Yellow Sea.

While there were a few more restrictions due to the pandemic, the beach was still open for those masked-up vacationers.


So, last August, my friends and I rented a car and backed it up with our gear and yummy bbq prep.

My friend, Abbie, had rented a car using their international driving permit. It was pretty cheap to do—navigating the highways was a bit more difficult. But before long we were singing along and listening to terrible lesbian porn novellas. Swinging through a McDonald’s drive-thru took me back to some seriously nostalgic moments in time.


We arrived to our villa later than we’d hoped. Daecheon’s beach area was packed. So we unloaded and settled into our villa—a one-room with a kitchenette.

The schedule was long—beach time, bbq, recording a podcast episode, and playing D&D. And time was short.

We headed to the beach for a bit, relaxing into the warm sand with beer and chips. We dipped our toes in the ocean—still a bit too cold for my taste—and played some frisbee.


My friend, Meg (@megretto) took these film photos. I adore these, I think they look straight out of a queer lifestyle and fashion magazine.


At 7pm the beach closed, so we packed up, rinsed off and began our bbq extravaganza.

The prep and cooking took waaaaay longer than we expected, but my gosh was this feast worth it. 삼겹살 (grilled porkbelly), veggie skewers, 깻잎 (fresh perilla leaves) and garlic paste. We ate well.


After, we recorded a podcast episode about creativity. It was too late to do the D&D one-shot unfortunately. I love D&D and could tell my new friend would’ve made a great DM.

We slept on mats and woke up early for more beach time. We ate the leftover potatoes with some eggs and toast, then headed out. At the beach we swam some more before I got knocked over by a wave and over-extended my arm. Ouch. Still, totally worth it lol.


By then we had to check-out, so we packed up and drove back to Daejeon. Such a short trip, but one of my favorites. Is there anything better than a beach day?

Thanks for reading.