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January 2022: I'm Still Alive

me at edinburgh castle

This blog is no stranger to long dead zones. The no-post periods. I am not a machine and I’m also lazy—so that has meant I haven’t posted in…ah geez, four months. Alright, let’s see. How much has changed in that time?

I’ve been living in Madrid since October. I posted about my original first few weeks here. But then I hit wall. Well, three walls:

  1. I had no time to write anymore. I barely had time to sit at my computer. I was exploring Spain, figuring out a new relationship, and also working/commuting more hours than I ever did in Korea.

  2. I haven’t been taking photos—not even with my phone.

  3. I have lately become more private and less willing to word-vomit in a blog post.

That said, and maybe this doesn’t actually change any of those aforementioned challenges, but this blog has been popping off. I’ve been getting a lot more hits than I used to, and I think my guides and travel posts are actually helping people?? That was always my goal, in tandem with sharing my own personal life. While the latter I’m less interested in, the former I still want to do.

Maybe that will mean the end of monthly updates. Maybe I’ll keep these going, but just consider more carefully what I want to share with the big, scary internet.

Well, until I know more, I can promise you that I will be back to post some things about my trips—Morocco, the UK, Granada, day trips to Toledo, Segovia, El Escorial and more. I’ll share what I’ve learned and what (few) good photos I have. I also have ideas brewing about reflections: how is life in Spain? (more difficult than expected, but still amazing.) How is teaching different here than in Korea? (Very, but in ways that surprised me.) Do I miss Korea? (so much—but also, more the people than anything else.)

In the meantime, here’s a recap of what’s gone on. I know I said I’m not super interested in spilling my guts as I once did, but this blog is still an important way that I communicate with my family and former school!

In the past four months, I:

  • Met someone I now love :’)

  • Got COVID (was vaccinated, but not yet boosted. Got it from a restaurant, we think. It sucked, but I’m all good now).

  • Travelled to Morocco and the UK!

  • Moved out of my apartment and found a different place (old place was a disaster).

  • Quit my tutoring gig to focus on writing.

  • Started Spanish classes, quit Spanish classes…

  • Watched Paddington 1 and 2.

  • Got a giant new tattoo.

  • Tried ice skating, pig ears, vermouth, working at a coworking space, and more fried potatoes than I’ve ever eaten.

I’ve done a lot—but I expect this list will triple in size once it gets warm and I stop hibernating.

I’ll be back again soon! I hope you’ve all been well, yourselves, in these dreary winter months.